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Peculiar Mormyrid - A Surrealist Journal
Meta Description
We are surrealists. Both elephant and fish: against the established order, our aim is the revolutionary and poetic reclassification of life itself. Through our journal, we publish to find comrades across the world who seek by new and poetic means to expand the bounds of reality, challenge the status quo, and confront the marvellous wherever and however it appears. &quot;Poetry must be made by all, and not by one.&quot; In solidarity with the many groups and individuals that make up the International Surrealist Movement today, we draw upon the results of previous research to insinuate ourselves into the Mad Tea Party as open and reinvigorating participants.
Meta Keywords
Peculiar Mormyrid, A Surrealist Journal, surrealism, press, Peculiar Mormyrid press, surrealist, magazine, web zine, online journal, literary, surreal, automatic writing, strange, weird, literature, writing, art, collage, submissions, writing submissions, surrealist writing, andre breton, literary journal, surrealist revolution, essays, experimental, erotic, visionary, bizarre, political,André Breton, Paul Eluard, Philipe Soupault, Leonora Carrington, Kōbō Abe, Boris Vian, David Lynch, Rene Magritte, writer submissions, online surrealism, surrealism artists, online magazine, poems, poetry, prose poetry, surrealist collage, submit art, submit poems, benjamin peret, czech, film, sound, sound poem, online literary journal
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WordPress, Google Analytics, jQuery, twemoji, Modernizr
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