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Updated Feb 01 2023
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Meta Tags and Data
David Moore's World of Fungi: where mycology starts
Meta Description
Neighbour-Sensing, mathematical model, modelling, simulation, kinetics, growth, hypha, mycelia, cyberhypha, cybermycelium, cyberspecies, world of fungi, world-of-fungi, fungiflex 1, fungiflex 2, hormone, growth factor, morphogen, chemical communication, mushroom, fruit bodies, chemical signals, fungal morphogenesis, bioassay, growth inhibition, growth promotion, 6-deoxyhexose, sugar, L-fucose, L-rhamnose, methylpentose, extracellular matrix, hyphae, hyphal wall, wall construction, translocation, aqueous continuum, reporter molecule, diffuse, signalling, cell-expansion-coordinating reporter signal, chemical signalling, coprinopsis, fruit body, cap-stipe junction, gravitropism, gravitropic curvature, modified sugar molecule, down-regulator, extension growth, stipe hyphae, cap, differentiate, hyphal extension growth, hyphal cell inflation, chemical signals, shape, form, fungus, 21st century guidebook to fungi, agriculture, alcoholic fermentation, allergen, amphibian, anaerobic fungi ...
Meta Keywords
Neighbour-Sensing, mathematical model, modelling, simulation, kinetics, growth, hypha, mycelia, cyberhypha, cybermycelium, cyberspecies, world of fungi, world-of-fungi, fungiflex 1, fungiflex 2, hormone, growth factor, morphogen, chemical communication, mushroom, fruit bodies, chemical signals, fungal morphogenesis, bioassay, growth inhibition, growth promotion, 6-deoxyhexose, sugar, L-fucose, L-rhamnose, methylpentose, extracellular matrix, hyphae, hyphal wall, wall construction, translocation, aqueous continuum, reporter molecule, diffuse, signalling, cell-expansion-coordinating reporter signal, chemical signalling, coprinopsis, fruit body, cap-stipe junction, gravitropism, gravitropic curvature, modified sugar molecule, down-regulator, extension growth, stipe hyphae, cap, differentiate, hyphal extension growth, hyphal cell inflation, chemical signals, shape, form, fungus, 21st century guidebook to fungi, agriculture, alcoholic fermentation, allergen, amphibian, anaerobic fungi ...
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Last-ModifiedTue, 21 Feb 2017 11:13:56 GMT