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EZIPAY (Mobile Money Transfer-Easy Payment App-Best Mobile Money-Mobile Depit Card)
Meta Description
eZiPay is one of the novel concept to make money transfer the most easiest way. First time in India giving you complete freedom for money transfer. Every one now can transfer money to their friends, relative, kith and kin and also for making purchases at local shops. If you some one is stranded some where without money, all that you do is just send and SMS and you have transferred the money. If you want to make purchase at your nearby shop, just send SMS and you have paid the shop keeper. A simple way to small transactions all by sending SMS. By registering with eZiPay, you are entering the world for complete freedom. You don’t need to bother about the service provider of the mobile you use and the service provider of the person you want to transfer. All that you need a mobile phone registered with eZiPay. Send SMS to eZiPay and you money transfer is done in seconds.
Meta Keywords
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