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Updated Feb 28 2018
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FAIMA - Friendly Artificial Intellegence Medical Assistance
Meta Description
FAIMA (Friendly Artificial Intelligence Medical Assistance) is a company which develops applications for mobile devices and PCs. Smiley The application will diagnose diseases, identify their possible causes and provide primary recommendations for patient treatment and disease prevention. Our goal is to make medicine more accessible to everyone, witch can be achieved by automating and simplifying the process of diagnosing diseases, as well as improving the quality and speed of medical care. All this is possible with the creation and training of artificial intelligence (AI). FAIMA is a multilanguage app that is why the communication with AI will be accessible for everyone. By using of blockchain technology it will be possible to pay for services and for training artificial neural network.
Meta Keywords
CSR, corporatesocialresponsibility, ai, blochchain, artificianintelligent, bitcoin, ethereum, fiat, ripple, ico, initialcoinoffering, inveting, investment, startup, bigdata, robots, future, faima, medicine, medical, ipo, cryptocurrency, litecoin, altcoins, technology, internetofthing, geek, innovation, innovations, virtualreality, machinelearning, coding, html, python, css, java, javascripts, vr, vc, tech, sturtuplife, russiansturtup, rvc, venture, 3d, entrepreneur, telegram, worklifebalance, android, ios, apple, techcrunch, playmarket, programming, programm, machine, project, robotic, robotica, tesla, 3dprint, 3dmodel, software, apps, app, application, digital, whitepaper, wp, сатоши, monero, bitcoincash, cardano, stellar, neo, eos, nem, iota, dash, tether, ton, gram, capital, benchmark, lowercasecapital, andreessenhorowitz, sequoiacapital, founderfund, firstroundcapital, baselinecapital, china, chinese, japanese, japan, Russia, yandex, google, unionsquareventures, forerunner ...
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Google Analytics, jQuery
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