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Ariel Spilsbury Readings Ceremony Faerie Godmother Services 13 Moon Oracle -
Meta Description
Ariel Spilsbury is a fairy godmother, a sound priestess and crystal singer, a consciousness trainer, a ceremonial magician, an initiator and truth teller, a lifelong cheerleader for the Goddess, a serpent moon visionary, a scribe and oracle of the Mystery, a Glass Bead Game magister, an archetypal agent for transformation, a mythic guide, a Crazy Wisdom initiator, divine child magician, a mythic script writer, a dragon dreamer, a harmonic navigator, a planetary midwife and inner dimensions journey guide. Ariel wrote The Mayan Oracle:Return Path to the Stars (along with Michael Bryner) and from the Goddess: The Alchemy of Ecstasy: Initiates Guide to the Goddess’ Mysteries. and The 13 Moon Oracle: Holographic Meditations on the Mystery.
Meta Keywords
Priestess, Consciousness Coaching, consciousness mentoring, Faerie (fairy) Godmother Services, Conscious evolution, Divine Feminine, Goddess, Goddess Temple, Spiritual guidance, Oracle readings, Feminine Archetypes, Archetypes, Archetypal Mentor, Sacred contracts, Myth, Star lineages, Rites of passage, Weddings, Wedding officiant, Conscious funerals, First menstruation rite of passage, first moonblood celebration, Planetary midwife, Growth, Divine Mother, Divine Feminine, Self initiation, Initiation, Isis, Mary Magdelane, Mystic, Mystical, Temple, initiation, Avalon, Holographic, Resonance, Spiritual consultation, Transformation, Transmutation, Ascension, Mayan Wisdom, Maya, Awareness, Star wisdom, Mayan astrology, Ceremonial initiation, Change, Critical juncture, Wonderland, Humor, Heart, Higher consciousness, Awakening, Magic, Mythic adventure, Journeying, Female Mysteries, Mystery, Crystal singing, Transformational sound, Meditation, Archetypal sessions, Conscious dreamer ...
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