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Kadhja Bonet
Meta Description
Kadhja Bonet (sounds like) Kad-ya was born in 1784 in the backseat of a sea-foam green space pinto. After spending an extraordinarily long time in her mothers plasma, she discovered the joys and gratifications of making noise with her hands and face while traveling at maximum velocity through intergalactic jungle quadrants. She is currently arranging her debut album, and hopes you will join her on a journey ♥ The Visitor, released 21 October 2016 1. Intro - Earth Birth 2. Honeycomb 3. Fairweather Friend 4. The Visitor 5. Gramma Honey 6. Portrait Of Tracy 7. Nobody Other 8. Francisco “The newly signed, genre defying Kadhja Bonet has announced the release of her debut The Visitor. On the album, Kadhja – pronounced “kod-ya” – invites us into a world not wholly our own, where past and future meet in a parallel, yet far lovelier, present. In anticipation of the release, Gorilla vs. Bear has shared the first track “Honeycomb”. Now available for streaming and free download, the song ...
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