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Updated Dec 17 2021
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LIFT FOR THE 22 - 501 c3
Meta Description
Lift For The 22 is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization designed to help veterans. We engage veterans curing their military to civilian life transition to ensure they stay on the right path of mentla and physical health. Our primary effort is awarding an annual gym membership to the veteran so that they can maintain the health aspects we have targeted as being primary culprits repsonsible for fighting suicide and depression as well as PTSD.
Meta Keywords
Lift For The 22, Gym memberships for veterans, veteran program, veteran programs, LIFTFORTHE22, liftforthe22, liftforthe, lift for the, 22, the 22, the22, veteran 22, 22 veteran, veteran suicide, veteran health, dod, DOD, d.o.d, D.O.D, Veteran Affairs, anti suicide, anti-suicide, suicide awareness, mental health, 22 mental health, veteran mental health, suicide, health, military suicide, military health, military mental health, PTSD, ptsd, military ptsd, veteran ptsd, veteran transition, military transition, civilian transition, civial military transition, military civilian transition, we are the 22, we are 22, 22 veterans kill themselves everyday, 22 veterans, 22 veterans kill, 22 veterans mental health, lift for the 22 workout anytime, Lift For The 22 Workout Anytime, LIFTFORTHE22 Workout Anytime, Lift For The 22 Chicago, Lift For The 22 Illinois, Lift For The 22 California, Lift For The 22 Los Angeles, Lift For The 22 New York, Lift For The 22 Florida, Lift For The 22 Miami ...
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jQuery, GoogleMapApi, Font Awesome, Bootstrap
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