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Meta Description
Traditional pools use chemicals to keep the water free from algae and other impurities. Chlorine is used in most pools (also in salt chlorinated pools) and more and more people, especially children , have developed allergies and eye irritation from some of these chemicals. Imagine swimming in a pool with the water quality of a mountain stream: no chemical additives just the simple elegance of pure water and fun.  As in nature our pools are biologically balanced; bringing the refreshing energy of mountain water into your own garden. An Aquaviva pool area creates a stylish element in your garden, with design possibilities shaped to your requirements. With Aquaviva you can create a free form swimming pond with an integrated water garden or a swimming pool with formal design elements and architectural lines. Imagine walking out into your garden and diving underwater with your eyes open –Then sitting in the garden overlooking the regeneration area and knowing that you, your family ...
Meta Keywords
natural swimming pools Australia, Natural swimming pond australia, natural swimming pool Australia, Aquaviva Australia, Australia, Swimming pool, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, natural filtration, natural filter, swimming pond, natural swimming pool, artificial lake, no chemicals, homepage of Aquaviva Australia. home of Natural Filtration Systems Australia for Swimming pools, ponds and more
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