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Meta Tags and Data
Management Services - Norland
Meta Description
Management Services by Norland. We are the leading provider of hard services led facilities maintenance and support services in the built environment. Whether it’s one floor in a multi-occupied building, or many different buildings within substantial property estates, we maintain and enhance these assets for our customers, leaving them free to focus on their core business. We have four divisions, the company is structured to ensure that we can truly meet our customers’ needs – whatever and wherever they are. This localised approach has led to one of the highest customer retention rates in the industry at 96%. The health and safety of our people and customers is our number one priority. This is why every member of our staff undertakes extensive, on-going training to ensure they understand how to create a safe working environment. This commitment to safety is another reason why we are the employer of choice within the industry. We are also dedicated to creating a challenging and ...
Meta Keywords
Solutions, Management Services, Industrial Manufacturing, support services, built environment, building management, hard services, property estates, health and safety, Suppliers, Financial stability, Geographical coverage, SAFEcontractor, installing equipment, fabric maintenance, environmental, unprecedented rate, building, commercial, residential, leisure, maintenance, critical power, cooling, lighting, heating, air-conditioning, ventilation systems, LV and HV electrical distribution, boiler maintenance, water treatment, fire and intruder alarms, CCTV, lift management, UPS systems, training, development, programmes, it project services
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