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Anti-Abortion Rosaries | Rosary of the Unborn – Holy Love Ministries Information Center
Meta Description
While I have often asked and pleaded for prayers to end abortion, now My plea is most urgent. I will state the reasons. 1. Abortion is a stench in the nostrils of God. It is the sin amongst all others that is pulling the Arm of Justice down upon the world ; 2. The thin hair that unites the world to God is comprised of many Rosaries, many sacrifices. Therefore, see that it is by your efforts and My grace, the Arm of Justice is withheld ; 3. The nation that renounces the sin of legalized abortion will be sheltered in My Heart during the period of chastisement. Evil influences will be defeated within her midst ; 4. Abortion is a hideous sin against the law of love. There are more, many more reasons for My request; but these are the ones I ask you to make known. I am blessing you.
Meta Keywords
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Last-ModifiedSat, 09 May 2015 16:13:24 GMT